Displays Serial Number.
Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0698)
Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY) you can here set the Purchasing Date
(Warning- You can only do this once - so be careful what you write)
Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on.
Displays Serial Number.
Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0698)
Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY) you can here set the Purchasing Date
(Warning- You can only do this once - so be careful what you write)
Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on.