Nokia 5110

IMEI Number *#06#
For checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).

Security Code 12345
Default security code is 12345. If you forgot your security code, there s so many program on the net which allowed you to know the security code likes Security ID Generator, Nokia IMEI Changer, etc.

Security ID Generator (SID.EXE) and IMEI Generator (NOKIAIMEI.EXE) doesn t works with Nokia 5110
Resetting Security Code

If you accidentally lock the phone or forgot the security code, the best thing to do is check it with your local Nokia dealer. For advanced user, you can use WinTesla, PCLocals or LogoManager program to read the security code or resetting the code (You will need an FBUS/MBUS (or compatible) cable to do this.